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Old 07-05-2012, 07:07 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Emery Davis[_3_] Emery Davis[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 868
Default Pruning a mature horse chestnut

On 05/07/2012 06:00 PM, Sacha wrote:
On 2012-05-07 16:35:02 +0100, James Hunt said:

He has told our neighbours that he can start work next week. However,
I thought that it was a bad idea to do major work on horse chestnuts
this early in the year on account of them being especially sappy at
this time which tended to exacerbate bug infections post tree

Can anyone confirm whether that's correct? If so, it sounds like the
man who has quoted our neighbours is either unknowledgeable about tree
work, or unscrupulous as to the health of the tree.


This may help you,1881,1883
This site gives specific times to avoid and times in which to prune.

I would certainly check there isn't a TPO on the tree but if there
isn't, the enquiry may result in one being slapped on it, so you have to
be aware of that! It is the wrong time of year to be pruning or
cutting back but apart from that, your neighbour and this tree man
should be thinking of birds that may be nesting in it. In your
situation, I would insist on a proper tree surgeon. I have a nasty
feeling this is going to look a mess if it's not done properly because
you're dealing with a mature tree. Anyone wielding a chainsaw can have
a card printed suggesting they do such work but not everyone can do it
well. It takes an hour to wreck a tree which won't recover and decades
for one to grow. Insist on a tree surgeon who is properly trained. If
this man says he can do it next week I wouldn't employ him.

Yes, this is too early. Better to wait until just after leaf drop,
though some prefer summer. Only emergency pruning should be performed now.

The fellow ought know that if he's qualified, ergo he isn't.
