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Old 01-05-2012, 02:51 PM posted to
[email protected][_2_][_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2011
Posts: 237
Default Planting Grass Seeds

On May 1, 12:37*am, "Bob F" wrote:
Oozmiester wrote:
Bob F;957289 Wrote:

Mine is older, and I can't quickly find it online. Look for one with
a digital
readout that allows incrementing the minutes one-by-one, and that
allows turning
on/off a few times a day. I'd recommend doing the last watering as
early as
possible. You want things to not be truely wet during the night.

I managed to find some decent digital sprinklers online.
Baffled to actually know how this will work though.
Can this be worked by a normal tap from the house ?

If you get the right one. It needs standard hose fittings.

I would think all the ones Bob is talking about have
standard hose fittings. It would be pretty hard to
sell them if they did not. I have one and I see them
in the home centers, hardware stores, etc all the time.

The only concern I have with them is the reliability.
It's a battery operated device and if it fails to close
you could wind up with water running for a very long
time. I would hope they have enough smarts to
know when the battery is declining and stop opening
long before the battery is near dead. But with all
the cheap stuff typically made in China these days,
I wouldn't count on it. It's certainly good for use
when you're going to be around and can catch it in
a reasonable time if it goes wrong. If you're going on
a 2 week trip you probably should have someone keep
an eye on it.