On Tuesday, April 24, 2012 8:09:43 AM UTC-4, Pat Kiewicz wrote:
EdPaolo said:
Trying to ID this lawn weed |
Little leaves like hopps. I believe they have blue flowers.
Checked http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/weeds_common.html &
Blue flowers? It could be some sort of speedwell:
Veronica arvensis, V. agrestis, V. persica
...and others...
Yes, that is what Scott's says they look like Veronica.
Thanks for the info / reply back.
Some of these are perennial, some are winter annuals.
Are the stems rounded or square? Any pictures available of the weed
in the lawn (or less wilted, with a scale nearby)?
Pat in Plymouth MI
"Yes, swooping is bad."
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