ants coming out of the mint pot
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24-04-2012, 05:37 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2010
Posts: 2,165
ants coming out of the mint pot
On 24/04/2012 13:57, Janet wrote:
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On 24/04/2012 13:35, Janet wrote:
In ,
Indeed, and very useful insects. Were it not for them (and a number of
other unloved critters (slugs, snails, flies, woodlice, dung beetles, et
al), we would be up to our ears in all manner of waste and grot.
I have some of those dalek composters (supplied by council) which I use
exclusively for destruction of pernicious or seedy weeds like docks and
couch grass... by ants. TBH I think the daleks are useless at normal plant
decomposition but they are perfect warm dry accommodation for ant
colonies, which turn those suspect weeds into the finest possible friable
compost. ( My big compost heaps never get dry enough for ants)
Oooh, that's intersting. I'd noticed my council dalek bin tends to be
dry. I water it occasionally, but it doesn't help much. I might very
well try adding ants. I do so with my other compost bins; don't know
why I never have with the dalek. Thanks for waking me up!
Mine stand on bare earth and the ants move in by themselves. I
occasionally steal some of their pupae for the goldfish.
Think I'd still have to introduce my ants, as the dalek is in partial
shade. I'm sure they'd prefer a sunny site, but I haven't located a
sunny site that I don't want for flowering plants.
from high ground in SE London
gardening on clay
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