Plant 'fruit' tree wife's birthday (where to get Strawberry Tree?)
On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 11:35:25 -0700 (PDT), "
On Apr 20, 12:33*pm, "Doug" wrote:
On Fri, 20 Apr 2012 07:26:53 -0700, Jim Daschowsky
My wife's birthday is coming up and I want to try something that lasts
longer than, say, flowers. I'm wondering if I can find and plant a tree in
northern california that she saw on our honeymoon in panarea (italy).
The tree she seems to like is "strawberry tree". Looking it up, it's an
"arbutus unedo", also knowns as a Ericacaea.
My problem is that I don't know if it will grow in northern california (San
Francisco area) and more importantly HOW to mail order a shrub. Can mail
order of shrubs be done?
Do you do that or know what a good nursery is for this type of edible bush?
To my knowledge strawberries grow as a bush not a tree. *I don't know
about SF but I know they like somewhat cool weather like in Long
Island. *My "guess" is okay in SF with climate but I'm not sure about
soil conditions. *I think strawberries like sandy soil but google to
confirm this.
I guess you weren't capable of googling "strawberry tree" either.
That's right because I'm not asking the question !!