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Old 12-04-2012, 02:36 AM posted to
Bob F Bob F is offline
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Default Gas found mixed with oil in my Troy-bilt lawn tractor

Ima Goodguy wrote:
On Wed, 11 Apr 2012 08:17:25 -0700, wrote:

On Apr 11, 10:09 am, Ima Goodguy wrote:
On Tue, 10 Apr 2012 16:43:07 -0700, Pat wrote:
I don't know about this particular motor, but if the float in the
carburetor hangs up, the gas runs into the piston and down the
gap in the rings to the oil pan.

Wow... Thanks Ralph. I hadn't thought about that. I did ponder "
carburetor " for a moment, but not the float valve. In my paranoia
I immediately suspected foul play. I changed out the oil and did
my mow job, parked the mower. Then ran a length of black thread
across the garage opening ( no doors ) and check it periodically
to see if anyone had 'tripped' it. My next move was to be a trip
to Harbor Freight and buy a motion detect alert gizmo ($16.95).
Then I'd fill my S&W 357 with 38 Sp shot shells and wait for my

Would it help to burn some kind of carburetor cleaner stuff ?

It's a 2006 Super Bronco w/B&S 19 hp if'n that makes any dif.

Thanks again ... ( them shot shells are $15 a box of ten ... too
much to waste ..)

Ima ... ( actually Paul .. ).

Adding a fuel shutoff would help. You could run it out of gas
before putting it away.

Great idea. I'll look into it..

Ima- Hide quoted text -

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As Ralph suggested, sounds like it could be the carb float sticking.
You can pull the carb, take off the bowl and clean it. They have
carb rebuild kits available online, Ebay etc that cost typically
$10. They include new needle valves, gaskets, etc. The gasket
between the carb and intake is usually not included, so get one of
those too. Carb cleaner and compressed air if you have it to clean

I've never taken a carb off nor rebuild one. Is it something an
average person can handle ? I suppose I could google up a diagram or

You will never learn without trying.