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Old 01-04-2012, 07:06 PM posted to
Frank Frank is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2009
Posts: 386
Default kill roots before sowing new lawn

On 3/26/2012 9:51 AM, lappin wrote:
Hi, I have just cut down an area of tree and shrubs about 10 feet by 30
feet, and pulled up the roots as best I can.
The previous owner was an old lady so the shrubs have ran wild for at
least twenty years.
I want to replace the entire area with a new lawn. Along the outside of
what will be the lawn there are hedges which I want to keep.
Can anyone recommend anything I can use to make sure that no roots grow
back, but not damage the hedges around the edge of the garden.
The plants I have dug up are something which looked a bit like a fir
tree but was spreading along the ground, rose bushes, thorn bushes,
lavender, and other different shrubs and bushes.
I'm sure it was lovely when it was planted but it had turned into a
solid mass of bushes.

Depends how pristine you want it too look. Previous shrubs will
disappear in time with grass cutting and maybe selective herbicide
treatment. I've got several areas around my house that cannot be seen
by passersby or visitors so I just let them go knowing that they will
disappear eventually.