Thread: Potted trees
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Old 29-03-2012, 07:08 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Moonraker Moonraker is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2010
Posts: 259
Default Potted trees

On 29/03/2012 16:50, Sacha wrote:
On 2012-03-29 15:40:18 +0100, JoeP said:


I live in a rented house with no garden, just a large concreted area. I
would love to introduce some small trees into this space, but not sure
what. Does anyone have any suggestions of what could do well in a decent
sized container? A friend of mine has a twisted willow that's thrived
for five years, but other than that I'm clueless. The area is reasonably
sheltered on all sides and gets full sun for most of the day.

Cheers in advance!


As long as you can remember to water them, a sheltered garden with
*some* shade would mean you can use an acer. But they won't like being
blasted by full sun all day. Some bamboos are good for container
growing, as are some grasses. You could also plant up some pots with
summer flowering annuals, including upright things and trailing plants,
too. Pelargoniums (geraniums) enjoy sun. And if you can fit up an old
sink or similar with an electricity supply & pump, you could have a
little water feature. You could grow jasmine in a container into which
you've inserted some form of frame for it to climb on. Just remember to
water well in dry weather but also to make sure the pots are raised a
little on bricks so that they can drain.

Anyone who lives in or near Newcastle under Lyme may have seen the large
containers placed outside the J2 gym centre. These have been planted
with quite large trees. While waiting for a bus I watched the men (From
Jacksons Nurseries) planting them. Just before finishing they place a
tube near the roots projecting to the soil top, this was for watering.
this would be worth copying.

Residing on low ground in North Staffordshire