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Old 21-04-2003, 02:56 PM
Barbara Harrison
Posts: n/a
Default white lump on shubunkin

Thank you for your replies, I am more inclined to think it is the carp pox
than the gas bubble - it doesnt look like a bubble, but I have swirled water
around the more inaccesible areas of the pond just to make sure it is fresh.

"Jerrispond" wrote in message

Hi Jerri

The lump looks solid, not fuzzy It is white, the same colour as the

of the fish around it, which is round about its belly area. or it could
actully be the colour of fish flesh. The size is probably less than 1/4
inch. The fish is eating well and looking otherwise healthy.

It sounds like carp pox....which sounds terrible, but is nothing to worry

. Do nothing to the will go away on its own after a while.

one I have known who had a fish with this had the fish recover with no
treatment....It will not spread to the other fish....just ignore it
