In article , Peter Crosland
Curiously, it would not be illegal to catch and relocate Brown Rats,
though even more curiously it would be if they were Black Rats!
Can you expand on that? I was led to believe that it applied to both as well
as rabbits and grey squirrels as well.
Section 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act makes it an offence to
release into the wild various animals and birds that are "not ordinarily
resident" or that are not regular visitors to Britain, all of which are
listed in Schedule 9, Part 1. A small number of plants, including
Japanese Knotweed and Giant Hogweed, which may not be planted in the
wild are listed in Part 2. The purpose of the section is to stop the
establishment or further establishment of non-native species which may
harm native wildlife.
You can find the schedule at
It includes Grey Squirrel and Black Rat but not Rabbit or Brown Rat.
I don't know of any law which prohibits the capture and release of
Rabbits or Brown Rats. Perhaps it was never thought necessary as no-one
would be daft enough to want to do it :-))