Tomato starts
Snag wrote:
Mine have been up for a few days , and I've noticed the leaves are kinda
yellow . These are planted in potting/starter mix , new stuff . They spend
most of the day outside when it's sunny and above 50° . I water when the
soil getss dry about 1/8" deep , and the paper? trays they're in have good
drainage , so they're not in standing water .
tomatoes will probably be fine once you get
them in the ground. we had some that looked
like they were about to fall over from lack
of sunshine and heat, but once we got them
in the ground and the temps were warm enough
they took off.
The pumpkins planted the same day are fine , as are the marigolds . I'm
just wondering if this soil lacks something tomatoes need . It does have
slow-release fertilizer in the mix .
probably all is ok.