Thread: Pond sludge
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Old 19-02-2012, 08:05 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
harry harry is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
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Default Pond sludge

On Feb 19, 6:21*pm, Sacha wrote:
On 2012-02-19 18:10:16 +0000, "Bob Hobden" said:

"Steve J" *wrote ...

Does anyone happen to know if you can hire some equipment to suck the
sludge out of the bottom of a pond?

Any help appreciated, thanks.

What you want is a swimming pool hoover but I don't know if they can be
hired. You will also have to be careful it isn't too powerful for your
pond. How many gallons/litres is it?

Whoa! *Why take out the sludge? *It's not a swimming pool! *But the
sludge is home to all sorts of pondlife. *Leave it alone unless you're
talking about genuine dredging of a very large pond to increase its
water depth from a natural inflow. *That's another whole issue.
South Devon

The sludge is primarily fish crap (if you have fish) and needs to be
removed preferably before Winter as it evloves methane which gets
trapped udner the ice and can poison the fish.
If you have fish, there is no pond life, they eat everything.