Low-growing rapid-spreading ground cover for poor, dry, stony, alkaline soil. (Sunny but windy, Southern plot)?
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04-02-2012, 08:58 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Jim xzy
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Feb 2012
Posts: 42
Low-growing rapid-spreading ground cover for poor, dry, stony, alkaline soil. (Sunny but windy, Southern plot)?
wrote in :
In article , Sacha
On 2012-02-04 15:48:07 +0000, Jim xyz said:
I'm looking for a reasonably good-looking low rapid-spreading ground
cover for poor, dry, stony, alkaline soil. Some areas of my sunny
but windy south coastal plot, consist af a soil which is about 90%
white limestone dust with only about 10% organic matter. I'd like
something that spreads quickly but is also easy to keep under
control. If it keeps it's leaves year-round, that would be most
suitable. Any suggestions?
Have a look at Concolvulus cneorum - very pretty, low-growing plant.
Also rather tender, but that may not matter. I would tend to go
for one of the thymes or Helianthemum. Or a mixture.
Nick Maclaren.
Thanks for the suggestion. My impression of thymes is that they are very
slow to spread. Is Helienthemum quicker?
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Jim xzy
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