Thread: Peace Lily
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Old 27-02-2003, 04:53 AM
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Default Peace Lily

I think animals are smarter than people. Most animals won't eat poisonous
plants. Koi leave taro alone. My dogs and the squirrels and chipmunks
leave the castor bean alone. People on the other hand will try nearly
anything. Look at some of the stupid things they put in their mouths on
those reality TV programs.

"~ jan" wrote in message
I have to agree with Nedra... there is always the exception of having an
animal that either accidentally, or of low intelligence, eats something it
shouldn't, but I've yet to lose an animal to eating either house or

plants and I'm sure many are poisonous depending on how much is ingested.
This includes plants I use in the ponds with my fish. Btw, when I had

I put my Peace Lily on the deck where they hung out most of the time and
they never bothered it. ~ jan

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 18:03:22 GMT, "Nedra" wrote:

Thanks for the link to that List! Holy Cow... every plant I
have - both indoor and outdoor - is on that List. I do have two
cats. So, where are we on the Peace Lily?? It doesn't occupy
any prominence on the list.

I'd say just ignore the warning ... that is what I would do if
I had the Peace Lily :O)


"sevans" wrote in message
Here is a good website to check for plants toxic to cats:

I would think if it is toxic to cats, it is best to keep dogs away,

(Just to be safe!)


John Rutz wrote:

Sue Walsh wrote:
I agree with Jan, I grew a peace lily in my barrel garden and it

fantastic. I just washed all the soil off the roots and put it in

barrel and off it went.

It should be noted however, that peace lily is DEADLY TO CATS, so

you own a cat you should not use this plant. A vet told me that

is nothing anyone can do if a cat eats the leaves of peace lily,

cat will die. I am very serious about this. As soon as I found

out I removed the peace lily from my barrel garden as my cat lived

the same area that it was located in.
Just a heads up, no cats, go for the peace lily.

P.S. It is not harmful to dogs, just cats.


there was a local news storie that lilies were poison to cats

tiger and daylilies were mentioned, now peace lilies
the thing is that bothers me there are three different plants here
Lilium , Hemoracolis, and Spathiphylum

John Rutz

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