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Old 20-12-2011, 02:28 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
NT NT is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2009
Posts: 130
Default Vegatables that help convert grassland into workable veggie patch?

On Dec 19, 11:42*pm, Baz wrote:
NT wrote :

+1. Cardboard is excellent. I'd also plant something light excluding
the first yr, like nettles, pumpkins, courgettes, rhubarb, etc. If
you've got compostable material, that can go down under the cardboard.
Permaculture will wipe out most of the unnecessary physical work that
annual gardens require year on year, but it means getting used to a
whole different set of fruit & veg.


I am very interested in this method of gardening, but why does it mean
getting used to a whole different set of fruit & veg?
Can't we just cut a hole through the cardboard and plant our usual veg.?

Just asking before I lay the cardboard and chuck the muck on top.

I trust you mean muck under the cardboard.

It will be the brassica bed and potato bed which gets it(now) for next
years planting.

Of course I can see that sowing root veg. seeds would be a problem, or will

From Thursday I have 3+ weeks off of work for Christmas, and weather
permitting, I will be in the veg. patch doing some remedial work.

Thanks, NT

The whole point of permaculture is that it mostly uses perennials, so
you dont have to keep replanting, or doing al the other extra work
first year plants require. Popular veg plots use almost exclusively