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Old 27-02-2003, 04:51 AM
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Default open pollination-attn: Dwight

(paghat) expounded:

I've wondered the same thing about columbines. If I'm careful to have only
one really cool black pompom Barlow columbine on one side of the house, is
there really any chance it'll seed true just so long as the ten
continuously crosspollinating regular types of columbines are planted
completely on the other side of the house?

I have never had a Barlow type come back true from seed, but I've had
some very interesting crosses come up. I love them, they're wild in
my yard (I introduced the Barlow's) and turn up in all sorts of really
neat shapes.

I had a really neat one (not a Barlow, though) come up last year, a
volunteer, no spurs, and it looked for all the world like a clematis
(a cousin, actually). I'm posting it over in, if anyone would like to see her.

Ann, Gardening in zone 6a
Just south of Boston, MA