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Old 19-11-2011, 01:01 PM posted to aus.gardens
loosecanon loosecanon is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 256
Default hose end sprayers

"F Murtz" wrote in message
Loosecanon wrote:
wrote in message
. au...

"F wrote in message
has any one the foggiest notion of where to get a thing like these near

Not sure if any help but seasol and some lawn fertilisers come in 2
containers. Should be available at Big B(unnings)

Ah did a Google search first link is the sprayers you are after. The
link is stockists. But looks like you might have to order as a special
through the hardware place.

The fertilizer ones are no good for my purpose.
The ones I want have graduations like 5litres 10litres 15litres etc and if
you want say 40 mls of chemical to 20 litres of water you put 20 mls of
chemical in bottle and fill with water to the 20 litre mark then the hose
sprays the mixture at required rate.

I have already found many mail order places from overseas but I want
somewhere here.
PS I already have two that I bought in hardware shops years ago but I am
moving house and I can not find them at the moment (probably buried in the
container in a box somewhere)

I wouldn't want to lug around 20 litres of water (20 kg +weight of sprayer)
for any length of time. It was bad enough fertilising roses for a customer
from a 15 kg bag recently. Better to have something you fill more often than
to lug around something heavy. Even if you half fill it the bulkiness of the
container is not good. For me a 10 litre model would be my maximum. Remember
too you will be dragging a hose around as well.