Thread: Ebay
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Old 18-11-2011, 09:42 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Dave Liquorice[_3_] Dave Liquorice[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2011
Posts: 195
Default conservation volunteering

On Thu, 17 Nov 2011 19:02:18 +0000, Janet Tweedy wrote:

Sounds good I've always wanted to do something like that but don't want
to just pick up litter etc., wouldn't mind getting tog rips with taking
out scrub and brambles and so on. Very therapeutic and lots of people
with same mindset.

Take a look at

Was the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers but now only uses
BTCV. Brother in law does volunteer work for them, anything from
building drystone walls to clearing rohdendrons etc. ie real, get yer
hands mucky, stuff. They also run the pay for "working holidays" but
I'm pretty sure what my BiL does is pure volunteer work. They provide
basic tools and possibly transport from a meeting point, you provide
PPE and the grunt.
