"Bob Hobden" wrote
"Dave Hill" wrote...
"Bob Hobden" ((Big Snip))
As far as Garlic is concerned we have found anything with "Wight" in
name does not grow well for us, probably because we are on acid soil
the Isle of Wight is mainly chalk. Thermidrome and Germidour are our two
What about Scottish garlic Bob
I must admit after years of buying new garlic and shallots to plant each
year we now replant our own. The old steam train driver that taught me to
allotment garden never ever bought in new stuff and always kept his best
for replanting and he never had any problems. I sometimes think buying new
each year buys disease too whereas if you use your own you are not
introducing anything new and if they were diseased they would have rotted
by the time replanting comes round anyway. It might even build up a strain
that is resistant to your local problems.
I might add that this year we have acquired, from a friend that lives out
there, a bag of those large/long French shallots to plant together with some
of their small ones that are highly prized by their chefs. The name escapes
me, I'll have to ask again.
Regards Bob Hobden
Posting to this Newsgroup from the W. of London UK