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Old 12-11-2011, 07:53 PM posted to
ZoysiaSod ZoysiaSod is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2011
Posts: 16
Default Unsatisfied with your Lawn Mowing company?


How did the Zoysia just go away? Zoysia is one tough grass
and it takes over everything. I';ve even seen it start to
crack asphalt driveways.

I've heard of lots of people ****ed because it's spreading
and taking over there lawn, but never anyone complaining about
it disappearing.


He used to have a really tall tree in the front yard which he
removed a couple years ago, including the stump and maybe even
some of the roots. I didn't see the removal process to say
exactly what happened, but he was left with a large bare area
in the front yard where the big tree used to be. He also said
his son-in-law accidentally killed a lot of other zoysia when he
did some yard work by leaving debris covered the zoysia for
days or weeks. Plus St. Louis saw a drought this summer
combined with its hottest July since about 1932, and
he was on vacation for a long time during this extended period
of drought and super heat.

No one watered the zoysia even a little to just keep the
crowns alive. Same thing happened to
a couple other people. Had I known what the devastating result
would be, I would have watered his zoysia myself from my own hose.
Oh well, St. Louis hadn't seen this kind of heat since 1932 or so.

Anyway, I guess for these reasons and others he lost a lot of
zoysia the past 2 or 3 years. I do hope you're right, and the
remaining zoysia makes a comeback in his yard. He's got so
many weeds in front and back.

He's got some super-duper shiny, bright green blades in his yard.
I gotta wonder if that's annual ryegrass instead of perennial
ryegrass. He did sew some so-called "Canadian Green" himself
after the lawn-mowing company aerated and sewed a mixture of
what must be fine fescue(s) and ryegrass(es). I hope they used
perennial rye but not sure. I bet there was some annual rye
in that Canadian Green he used, and he said he used a lot of
Canadian Green.

His back yard is a total loss: nothing but huge swaths of
crabgrass and a whole lot of henbit everywhere. Almost no
grass in back at all. His backyard weeds butt up against
my zoysia, though, so hopefully, with the passage of years,
my zoysia will spread into his backyard and help it out.

I also hope his weeds don't invade my zoysia. I hope you're
right and the zoysia wins over the weeds. That's what the
books seem to say, but I dunno if that's always the case for

How does purple nutsedge fare against zoysia?