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Old 12-11-2011, 05:14 PM posted to
[email protected][_2_][_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2011
Posts: 237
Default Unsatisfied with your Lawn Mowing company?

On Nov 10, 5:42*am, ZoysiaSod wrote:
I care for my own lawn, but I thought I'd talk about my next door
neighbor's lawn in this post.

My next door neighbor has nothing in his *BACK* yard but crabgrass and
henbit. Virtually all the zoysia he had is now gone. He says, "Well, as
long as it's green...." [chuckle]

How did the Zoysia just go away? Zoysia is one tough grass and it
takes over everything. I';ve even seen it start to crack asphalt
I've heard of lots of people ****ed because it's spreading and taking
there lawn, but never anyone complaining about it disappearing.

He did fix up his FRONT yard, though, which was also going to pot with a
ton of weeds--everything from foxtail to plantains to crabgrass. He paid
$500 to his weekly lawn-mowing company to use a machine to aerate his
front yard in September and plant a cool-season seed mixture, which looks
like its fescue, annual or perennial ryegrass, and maybe a bit of
bluegrass. He told me he also personally hand-sewed a whole lot of
"Canadian Green" after they aerated. His front yard is about 1,500 to
2,000 square feet.

So the zoysia he once had in *front* is now almost all gone, replaced by
the tons of weeds and the newly planted cool season grasses.

The zoysia will soon finish off what's there and the newly seeded
will just get crowded out.

But of
course as I mentioned earlier, his *back* yard is nothing but crabgrass
and henbit.

You'd think for $500 the company could have done both his back and front
yards, which probably total about 3,000 square feet. But all they did was
his front yard. Oh well. He's a good customer too. He let's them cut his
lawn every single week whether it needs it or not. And they always cut it
way too low. Maybe I should talk to him about it, but I haven't.

My other neighbor also gets his lawn cut weekly, but by a different
company, yet this company also cuts his lawn way too low. After every
cut, Neighbor Number 2's zoysia lawn looks brownish, having had much of
the green cut too low. I don't understand why these lawn companies do
that. I haven't uttered a word about it to either neighbor though. I
don't want to meddle, I guess.