This pond group is dead
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12-11-2011, 08:37 AM posted to rec.ponds
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2011
Posts: 17
This pond group is dead
On 11-Nov-2011, "ReelMckoi" wrote:
wrote in message
On 11-Nov-2011, "ReelMckoi" wrote:
Rest in peace.
Not quite but nearly.
Something unknown and quite strong is still attacking my pond and has
dragged out pots in the past and despite netting has now attacked and
my reeds. What creature, I wonder, could have such an obsession against
pond? Badger perhaps?
It sounds like you have a raccoon problem. They're very destructive and
come around late at night. Large herons will also turn over pots. A
neighbors dog got into my smaller pond one time and made a real mess. I
don't think there was one plant that wasn't overturned or broken.
How horrible! Its news to me that ponds are liable to attack. I have had two
small fishless ponds for some years, which contained newts and frogs, and
they were never attacked but since I have had the fish the attacks have
begun. A neighbours dog showed a great deal of interest in the fish but I
intervened quickly to prevent any damage. Most of the time though my fish
hide from view and are very timid.
Posted from London, England, where foxes and cats are prevalent in gardens
at night.
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