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Old 11-11-2011, 12:56 PM posted to
Bumpers Bumpers is offline
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Default Unsatisfied with your Lawn Mowing company?

On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 16:32:22 -0800, Bob F wrote:

ZoysiaSod wrote:...................

Sounds like the zoysia grass is really useless stuff.


Don't be a snot. You know as well as I that any grass
(whether it's a cool-season grass or warm-season) will
suffer if it's cut too low, known as "scalping."

As the books say, cutting more than a third of the
grass blade will stunt the roots. So if your grass
is way too tall, and you want to cut half its height
or even 2/3 of its height, then cut just a third off
one day, and wait about 4 or 5 days to cut the other
third off. Otherwise, the roots will take a hit.

Although roughly 10 percent of my lawn is fescue--I have
an area in the back yard that is nothing but fescue--I do
prefer the zoysia. Zoysia comprises 90 percent of
my lawn. I enjoy both grasses (and even planted a
bit of creeping red fescue and perennial ryegrass
in September in addition to the 10 pieces of
zoysia sod and plugs I planted earlier in the season),
but I gotta say
I prefer zoysia simply because I think it's a little
more convenient for me in the Transition Zone of
St. Louis. The zoysia doesn't seem to need as much
water in the summer as the fescue and doesn't grow
vertically so fast, although in the heat of the summer,
the zoysia will definitely outpace the fescue in
vertical growth. Both are good grasses though.