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Old 31-10-2011, 08:39 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bill Grey Bill Grey is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 1,129
Default Otish - My New Camera

"Bill Grey" wrote in message

"Dave Hill" wrote in message
On Oct 30, 8:02 pm, Warwick wrote:
On Sat, 29 Oct 2011 01:22:51 -0700, Dave Hill wrote:
I like Fuju, why?

Oddly enough I do like their digital cameras. The feature set seems
pretty good and their bridge cameras are quite nice. The output usually
seems pretty good.

You still couldn't pay me to put a roll of their film in my 35mm. The
saturation is always way off and they come out with a green tinge to my

Because I'm used to them and they suit me. There are loads of good
cameras out there all with their loyal followers who swear their make
the only one worth using. What counts is the quality of the pictures
end up with, and a lot of that is up to the person behind the camera. I
look foreward to seeing your pics, but why wait till next year? David

I'll admit to a DSLR, a compact and looking to get SWMBO a bridge camera
for christmas. Add that to a 35mm minor collection and when I've got a
little more money some medium format will be happening.


You got me looking at the new Fuji cameras, and I must say I di like
FinePix HS20EXR I
can't justify the cost when there is nothing wrong with mycamera Still I
can dream.

My reply should have appeared like this :-

David If your results with your current camera satisfy you then stay with
it.Digital cameras are rapidly becoming male jewelry:-) I doubt ladies
wouldever consider them jewelry!
