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Old 17-10-2011, 07:23 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden Bob Hobden is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,056
Default Nights drawing in

"Dave Hill" wrote

It realy feels like Autumn now, the nights are drawing in, and despite
the forecast having been for 3 dayd without rain, it's been a wet one
here at this end of Swansea Bay, water lying out the field amongst the
dahlias, and the rabbits have already realised that I have taken down
the electric netting and are back digging.along the paths, and have
even had a go at some of the late growing chickweed, they can have all
of it if they want.
Have to gather the runner beans I left for seed as well as the peas,
as soon as they dry.
Then it's dahlia lifting for the next few weeks, it would be nice if
they could dry on the field after lifting.
What jobs have you got lined up for the next few weeks?

Well we have to arrange to have two trees taken down, a large Robinia
pseudoacacia "Tortuosa" and a large Cordyline australis. Both in our front
garden and now too big for the space, also drop too much rubbish on the car
and front.
Tomatoes will need to come out as soon as a frost gets them and the same
with the chillies although they will be fully cropped once there is a
suggestion of a decent frost but before it happens. Need to tidy up the
allotment, not that it's untidy, and our gardens before the winter sets in

Regards Bob Hobden
Posting to this Newsgroup from the W. of London UK