Outdor tomatoes still going strong
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14-10-2011, 06:40 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Roger Tonkin
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2010
Posts: 140
Outdor tomatoes still going strong
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On 14/10/2011 14:51, David WE Roberts wrote:
Just to note that I still have loads of trusses and the outdoor tomatoes
(mainly cherry) are still ripening.
The self sown cherry tomatoes from the previous year are also still
producing, although they were left completely to their own devices.
There have been signs of blight, but removal of virtually all the leaves
seems to have kept this in check.
Dire warnings for future weather but at the moment it is glorious in
Dave R
On the same lines my courgettes are still producing, taking a little
longer to grow, but still flowering. Cannot remember them lasting as
long previous years.
I was thinking along the same lines. Tomatoes and courgettes still going
strongt, especially the yellow ones. Turnips are swelling well, but
strangely the swedes are very slow - but thinking back they got attacked
by the slugs as they germinated.
On the flower front, sweet peas are still flowering well, with 3 flower
heads per stalk and some upto 9 inch stalks, although they are now
begining to get shorter.
Fuschias seem to have set seeds heads (one a nice blackish one) not sure
if they will ripen, or even when they are ripe or what to do with them!
A climbing fuschia I was given in August, that looked as if it had
finnished for the year has now got new shoots and buds on it!
Got a nice second crop of raspberries developing on the summer fruiting
canes, but they'll need another couple of weeks to ripen. The autumn
fruiting ones are coming to an end, but have thrown up lots of new
canes, which I suspect will not fruit!
Just hoping we dont get any frost!
Roger T
700 ft up in Mid-Wales
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Roger Tonkin
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