Ping David Hill re Pan Global
On Wed, 12 Oct 2011 11:55:43 -0700 (PDT), Dave Hill
On Oct 11, 7:45*pm, Pam Moore wrote:
I had a friend staying this weekend and we did a round of garden
centres and went to Pan Global Plants. *( not too much trouble finding
it as I know the area!) Rather out-of-the-way though.
Quite a good selection of plants but not a great range at this time of
year. *Will go again in Spring. *
Pam in Bristol
I don't know what you were looking for Pam, I found that there was
plenty there to catch my eye, I could easily have come away with
several hundreds of pounds worth of plants.
A couple of the dahlias I bought from him are now in flower, I must
take pics..
Yes, David, a great deal of unusual plants but we both have small,
full, gardens so couldn't buy much. With bigger gardens, more
overwintering space and plenty of cash we could have spent a lot.
I didn't mean to suggest it was not worth a visit. It is.
Pam in Bristol