Thread: asparagus now
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Old 03-10-2011, 03:13 PM posted to,uk.rec.gardening
Storrmmee Storrmmee is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2011
Posts: 8
Default asparagus now

my mother and sister grow it, the season is all summer long if you treat it
properly, it is very labor intensive according to them, my mother/sister
have three rows, it takes a while for it to produce, so its on a rotating
system so there is always one row producing well, there are several
varieties, and according to them, male and femal stalks... i am only
repeating what they have told me, as i hav a black thumb and grow nothing,
"Mike.. . . ." wrote in message
Shops have "new season UK asparagus" from Wye valley. How is this
Mike... . . . .