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Old 03-10-2011, 09:32 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bart Bart is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2011
Posts: 19
Default Sending Mike Crowe to coventry?

On Oct 3, 7:55*am, "'Mike'" wrote:
"Bart" wrote in message

On Oct 2, 7:48 pm, "'Mike'" wrote:

"Bart" wrote in message

On Oct 2, 5:49 pm, "'Mike'" wrote:

"Sacha" wrote in message


On 2011-10-02 12:07:25 +0100, Bart said:


I get the feeling that if Crowe was ignored entirely by all regular
users of this and the other groups he posts to, snip

Good idea.

Would you care to expand on your comment here and explain why?

Keep it clean with no abusive language please.

Kindest regards




Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive.


The reason for ignoring your drivel, is due to it having no value,
humour, or originality whatsoever, and of course due you your being a
rather arrogant bully as well as a liar and a cheat..............roll
on the day when you get a dose of your own medicine, and cease posting
on usenet ever after!
.................................................. .

But Chris, after the lies and accusations that you have spouted over the
years, don't you feel that your statement above should really be directed
yourself? Maybe you are at last coming to terms with what you have been
spouting and really feel that this is an escape for you to direct it to
someone else.

Think about it. What honesty have you spouted? Precious little.


I think that the truth is starting to prevail in you at long last :-))




Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive.


Unlike yourself I dont tell lies, profess to being a senior freemason,
or suggest I had helped with the design of the IOW fast cat ferrys, as
well as serving in all three armed services at the same time. To catch
up with your own talents for telling the truth, I think anyone would
need to be looking at taking up a career in politics!
.................................................. ...............

Chris you know, I know and just about everybody who reads this newsgroup,
that every single bit of your posting is a lie. From beginning to end.
""IF"" there is an ounce of truth in ANY of it, it would be in the archives,
and you know that it isn't.

Now you will come back and say I have deleted them, well I have never
deleted anything, and do you know why? I don't know how to :-)

Besides that, those readers who love to spew forth the bile would jump at
the opportunity to dig them out and say "There you are", but of course they
can't, can they.

However, I do like the opportunity to once again show people on here just
what a liar you are, and of course, once again to clear my good name.

Never mind Chris, once again some of the 'owners' of urg will pup up and
spout a load of abuse at me and it gives me a chance to take notes again.

So thank you for your continued lies, but, can you make up something new.
How about those who say they have killfiled me? How about some of you
creating new characters as Chris does and have a go at me, BUT PLEASE, make
it original.

Kindest regards

Sun shining a treat here on the South East Coast of the Isle of Wight.




Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive.


People only need to read your more recent posts to work out the very
obvious facts that you are a liar and a bully, so there is no real
need to spend hours digging up your ridiculous claims about being a
mason, and serving in the armed forces etc etc etc!

I had intended to rid usenet of you for good in the same way John Bunt
was removed, but in all honesty there really doesnt seem any point as
your nasty rubbish is ignored by nearly everyone who hasnt kill filed
you, so I shall simply now ignore you completely from now on.