Thread: Bonfires
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Old 02-10-2011, 08:51 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Baz[_3_] Baz[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2010
Posts: 1,775
Default Bonfires

"Bob Hobden" wrote in

Or take it down to your local tip where they recycle green waste. That
way you won't annoy your neighbours on a sunny day like one of ours
constantly does with his foul smelling smoky fires.

As well as the foul smelling smoky fires it has been not been uncommon
where I live for the fire service to be called out when the smoke is
visible from a few streets away. Obviously well intentioned because I
suppose they think some poor soul is in trouble.

Don't you have wheelie bins for garden refuse where you live? We have had
ours for years.

We have 3 bins, one large one for general household waste, 2 smaller ones,
one for cardboard and plastic, the other for green garden waste.

We also have 2 plastic boxes, one for newspapers/mags. and the other for
tin cans and glass.

Makes me think what people put into the large general houshold bin.

I have drifted off topic I know but I feel it is warrented.
