"Jake" Nospam@invalid wrote in message
On Sat, 1 Oct 2011 20:04:46 +0000, Chris Fryer
Hi everyone. I'm a newbie on this forum. Does anyone know the rules on
lighting bonfires in England? I have a few things, weeds, cuttings, etc,
that I would like to incinerate. I don't know if I would be allowed to.
Welcome to Usenet. Garden Banter can't answer your question so it
sends it on to us here at the UK Rec Gardening Newsgroup (spend a bit
of time reading Garden Banter FAQs and you might just get to
understand that!). Anyhow ...
You don't say where you are.
The rules differ between different local authorities (LAs). Your best
bet is to phone your own LA and ask the question.
Cheers, Jake
================================================== =====
URGling from the less wet end of Swansea Bay in between
sweeping up leaves by the cubic metre!
IMPORTANT: To those seeing this message in Garden Banter
or other "forums": The forum you're in is pulling stuff
from something called Usenet, in particular the UK Rec
Gardening newsgroup.There's a lot more to this but if you
see a message from someone calling himself "Mike" and using
an email address ending "woollies.com" the best thing you can
do is ignore the idiot. He does not, in any way, speak for
the group. He admits that he knows nothing about gardening.
He is simply what the internet calls a ~troll". You have
been warned.
Hi Chris. I am the Mike referred to in the posting above. A bit of an icon
in uk.gardening.rec. You will of course have noticed the dig at you for
coming into this hallowed newsgroup from gardenbanter. Nearly everybody has
to endure it, sorry.
Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive.