"Baz" wrote in message
"'Mike'" wrote in
"Baz" wrote in message
My post to this newsgroup has been stolen.
Yes, but look at the advertising being stretched still further :-))
My KF is not set properly, otherwise I would not have to see your pathetic
It is sorted now, goodbye to you and The Isle Of White.
Is it your geography or your spelling which is failing you?
Isle of Wight :-))
But as I said, who would be daft enough to ignore the advertising which is
followed through to these sites? Perhaps anyone who comes through these
sites would be refused service .................... in the words of a once
famous troll who used to frequent urg "I think not"
Kindest regards from the Sunny South East Coast of the Isle of WIGHT
Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive.