Thread: sweetcorn!
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Old 30-09-2011, 09:37 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden Bob Hobden is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,056
Default sweetcorn!

"Sacha" wrote ...

"Bob Hobden" said:

"Pete C" wrote ...

"alan.holmes" wrote
I have tried to ask this question in the food and rink newsgroup, but I
have not got a sensible answer!

How long do you have to boil it for?

I have cooked hundreds of the things but the memory is not good now!

The users of that newsgroup seem to think that sweetcorn grows in tins!

I've never boiled it. Wrap in foil with lashings of butter, then in the
oven for 15 mins or on the BBQ.
Doesn't boiling remove flavour/goodness? Maybe steam?

Yes we also use the tinfoil method, but you forgot the black pepper.

Whatever method you suggest, *please* give Alan precise instructions as to
how to use it. This is why he's moved his question here.

The boss says...
This is for previously blanched corn cobs (ie, prev frozen ones defrosted)
Butter and pepper then wrap tightly in foil twisting the ends to try to keep
in the steam/butter cook for 25 mins at 200°/ gas 6, middle of oven. Adjust
time/temp to your preference there after.
BBQ is the same but time is up to you and how hot your BBQ gets.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK