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Old 11-09-2011, 08:19 AM posted to rec.gardens
Billy[_10_] Billy[_10_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2010
Posts: 2,438
Default Mint Tea fertilizer

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On Sat, 10 Sep 2011 17:00:21 -0700, Billy

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"David Hare-Scott" wrote:

Billy wrote:
In article ,
Chris Thompson wrote:

Dodge wrote in newsodge.8dfdab7


I know that you can use comfrey tea, and even normal 'builders' tea
as a plant fertilizer.

Can anyone think of a reason why I shouldnt use Peppermint Tea?

It must contain nitrogen and other goodness?

How about cost?


At least it would help cover the smell of the fertilizer. Although, we
spent 2 weeks on a dairy farm in Brittany, and at first I was appalled
by the smell, but by the time we left, I didn't notice it at all.
(Bourg-Blanc, the Le Hir family).

For your next holiday you should room next to a chicken shed, try to be
there when they clean it out.


Would that be worse that being next to the U.S. Congress, which never
gets cleaned out?

Nice hijack.

I hope I didn't inconvenience you too much. To the loons, or the sane
(your call) these are very dangerous times.

Mint is good as an activator. Add it to comfrey etc and get better
effect. Accelerated effect.

No cites, my studied opinion. (And who knows what I've studied.)

Comfry and yarrow as compost activators. There may be more.
- Billy
Both the House and Senate budget plan would have cut Social Security and Medicare, while cutting taxes on the wealthy.

Kucinich noted that none of the government programs targeted for
elimination or severe cutback in House Republican spending plans
"appeared on the GAO's list of government programs at high risk of
waste, fraud and abuse."

[W]e have the situation with the deficit and the debt and spending and jobs. And it's not that difficult to get out of it. The first thing you do is you get rid of corporate welfare. That's hundreds of billions of dollars a year. The second is you tax corporations so that they don't get away with no taxation.
- Ralph Nader