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Old 19-08-2011, 12:16 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Tweedy Janet Tweedy is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 1,927
Default parking on grass

In article , Bob Hobden
Why not put some hard standing only where the tyres will run. Something
like two railway sleepers set into the ground. Chippings are a
nightmare if you use it for car standing as it gets caught in the tyres
and spread into the road etc and is very nasty to kneel/lie on if he is
doing work on the vehicle. A simple kerb of similar will stop him
rolling onto the shrub/flower area too.

Oh, now that good idea Bob, though she would still then a very small
amount of grass that would need cutting etc, unless we dug it up and
planted stuff like thymes?

Not sure about the dropped pavement, Down their road it's mainly council
housing and the majority do park on the grass a lot of the time. She
just wanted to make it look a bit more cared for .
The current garden path is higher than the grass so maybe sleepers or
something are really good alternative.
Janet Tweedy
Dalmatian Telegraph