parking on grass
Someone has asked my advice about parking a car on what at the moment is
I have no idea really what to suggest or what might be feasible.
At the moment her son parks his mini on her small patch of grass .
leaving about 8 foot of soil between the car and the window. i suggested
we make the grass into perhaps chippings and then a barrier between that
and the window so she can have some shrubs.
He has to park off the road as their road is quite narrow and lots of
people park there.
Is it at all possible bearing in mind the grass/lawn is now quite hard
and worn, to perhaps kill or skim off the grass and then put weed
supressant blanket down and then heavy duty chippinmgs?
Hoping for some pointers here. Don't think she could afford full blown
landscapers to do it for her etc. and of course you can't pave front
The other side of her front path, we are going to make a sort of
grasses and Mediterranean stuff as the grass there is also pretty awful
and it's only about 4 foot wide.
Janet Tweedy