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In article , rbel wrote:
I wonder if anyone has experience of looking after standard shrubs. We
are considering getting a pair of 1/2 standard bay (Laurus Nobilis) or
something similar. They would be planted in containers in a ESE
facing location that is relatively sheltered. Given that we are in S
Devon there should not be much in the way of problems with frost.
You need LARGE containers and good drainage, but otherwise that
is a fairly common way of growing bay. You could underplant with
thyme or similar, if you want to. Don't let them dessicate, but
bay doesn't mind drying out to a moderate extent.
Nick Maclaren.
Bay grows like a weed in our garden and we are forever pulling self setters
and dumping them on the compost. I have this morning, and over the last
couple of weeks pruning the Bay Hedges back severely and shredding it for
the compost.
Question. How difficult would it be to take a seedling and train it to a
Standard? Seems easy to me, but no doubt someone will tell me that it is a
hard job and needs years of experience
Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive.