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Old 14-08-2011, 01:45 AM posted to rec.gardens
Frank Frank is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2009
Posts: 386
Default Can You Apply Lawn Fertilizer and Grub Control At The Same Time??

On 8/2/2011 5:27 PM, MICHELLE H. wrote:
Not sure if this question has been asked here already, but just
wondering if you can apply lawn fertilizer and a separate grub control
product at the same time. A few days ago, we just applied the "Scotts
Super Turf Builder Summerguard - With Bug Control To Kill Ants, Fleas,
and Ticks" which is a 30-0-4 formula. We also have a bag of the "Bayer
Advanced Season Long Grub Control Plus Turf Revitalizer" which is a
6-0-1 formula.

The "Scotts Summerguard" doesn't kill grubs, and so we have to use the
separate grub control. to try to kill the grubs, because last September
we had a pesky skunk that ripped up and mutilated our yard every night
last September, October, and November.

On the back of the "Bayer Advanced Grub Control" bag, it states that the
product has to be applied before August 15th. So my question is, should
we wait another week or so before applying the grub control, or can it
be applied now? The "Scotts Summerguard" has 30% percent nitrogen, and
the "Bayer Grub Control" had 6% percent nitrogen. If we apply the "Bayer
Grub Control" right now, won't that be too much nitrogen ( 36% percent
nitrogen in one weeks time ), for the lawn to handle??

Any advice would greatly be appreciated.


Not knowing either product, only if lb/1,000 ft sq are the same would
this add up to the high nitrogen value,

I'm not a Scotts fan because while they may be good products, they
probably cost twice as much and fertilizing 4 times a year is work.
I like to treat each problem separately, not carpet bomb my lawn.