Japanese Beetles vs. my lawn
Bert Hyman said:
" wrote:
On Aug 11, 11:52*am, Bert Hyman wrote:
Did you even bother to read my original post?
Yes I read it and I provided the first reply that addressed your
specific questions.
I didn't realize that you and the person posting as "." were the same
But that post appeared to be addressing the problem of grubs in general,
with no suggestion that you were talking specifically about Japanese
beetle grubs.
Anyway, thanks for your input.
One thing you may want to keep in mind.
If you apply a "pesticide" to kill the grubs in your lawn, you'll also kill
every earthworm in the same vicinity. That *does* have some ramifications to it.
Just food for thought.
I'm definately not "anti-pesticide". I just tend to use it as a last resort
because there are usually side-effects, with chemicals, that most people don't
think about, that can have a negative impact. Replacing a problem, with a
different problem, as it were.
25 earthworms per square foot of soil equals about 1 million earthworms per
acre. That's a lotta worms tunneling around under your turf. There are many
benefits to that, not limited to aeration, porosity, fertility (worm castings
rock as a fertilizer), or permeability. They also stimulate nitrogen-fixing
bacteria. Be a shame to lose that, you'll end up applying nitrogen at a greater
rate. =)
-It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.