"Bert Hyman" wrote in message
. ..
Japanese Beetles have finally made it to Minnesota and they're tearing
up the garden big time.
Conventional wisdom says it's a waste of time to treat the lawn for
grubs unless you can convince everybody who lives within 3 miles to do
the same.
First time I've ever heard that and don't know where it
came from. If you have excessive grubs in your lawn you certainly can kill
them with a pesticide by just treating your lawn. That will stop them from
destroying it. Grubs may reappear next year, coming from wherever, but then
you take care of it again if necessary.
However, will the grubs do damage to the lawn itself?
Of course they will. Some simple googling will produce plenty of pictures
of lawns destroyed by grubs. The grubs eat the roots away and the turf
pulls up like carpet.
Also, animals like skunks find grubs tasty and can tear up
a lawn overnight.
Should I treat the
lawn just for the sake of the lawn?
Depends on how many grubs you have and whether you care if your lawn gets
destroyed or not.
Bert Hyman St. Paul, MN