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Old 26-07-2011, 11:06 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Craven Craven is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2010
Posts: 25
Default grass growning in containers - any way to remove it?

On 19/07/2011 21:35, Mike Lyle wrote:
On Tue, 19 Jul 2011 13:23:16 +0100, wrote:

Hi, I was given some bulbs which seem to have been carrying a lot of
grass and weed seeds.

I planted them in my containers and before I knew it they resembled a
lawn :-)

I removed the grass and weeds, went away for a week and they're back in

Is there any way to remove them please? I don't want / can't remove the

Just keep at it: they can't stand up to repeated attacks. If the
containers are huge and the weeds are really dense, and the bulbs are
totally leafless, and there's nothing else growing in there, you could
use a glyphosate spray; but it's probably best not to if you're still
a fairly new gardener.

I avoid herbicides if I can, but I have occasionally used glyphosate
when I had to: if you're really sure of yourself, you can wrap things
you don't want to kill in plastic, or shield them with cardboard. But
a little puff of wind can lead to tears before bedtime...

Brilliant, will do cheers.