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Old 24-07-2011, 10:07 PM posted to uk.d-i-y,uk.rec.gardening
John Rumm John Rumm is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 19
Default Strimmer/Brush cutter. electric or petrol

On 24/07/2011 16:29, john thompson wrote:
We need to buy a strimmer for a very overgrown garden and will need the
stronger type I believe called a 'brush cutter' for some heavier work.

Grateful for any recommendations for a reasonably priced one.

What size of garden, and how easy is it to get power into the far
reaches of it?

Do you need to eun any other attachments on the machine? Some of them
will take pruning chainsaws (very good if you have trees), hedge cutters
(all the ergonomic charm of bagpipes, but handy for tall hedges).

Preferably any information about both electric and petrol version, so we can
try and decide if it's worth paying the extra for the petrol version.

I have uses a few electric strimmers and never been that impressed with
any of them. Personally I find petrol much better for the freedom from
wires and power.



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