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Old 24-07-2011, 07:46 PM posted to uk.d-i-y,uk.rec.gardening
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2011
Posts: 1
Default Strimmer/Brush cutter. electric or petrol

On Jul 24, 5:29*pm, Janet wrote:
In article , says...

We need to buy a strimmer for a very overgrown garden and will need the
stronger type I believe called a 'brush cutter' for some heavier work.

* *Much depends on the size of garden, and whether this is a one-off
clearance of overgrowth in a smallish one which will then be entirely
civilised, or a longterm maintenance project in a large one where you'll
use the brush cutter year after year. Also, how fit you are and if you
have a good back, because you'll need one for prolongued use of a HD
petrol machine.

* * Janet.

With the shoulder harness that most petrol strimmers come with, weight
isn't really an issue. There is a big price difference though.
Kawasaki and Ryobi produce decent machines. They produce a lot of
noise, and throw up stones occasionally - a full visor and hearing
protection should be worn.