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Old 23-06-2011, 11:27 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
M[_1_] M[_1_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 16
Default Rhododendron needed

"M" wrote in message
The only rhododendron I have been able to grow successfully is
Rhododendron Ponticum. I would like to find one in pink or red that is as
strong as Rhododendron Ponticum. Can anyone recommend one?


Thanks to those that have replied.
My Garden is in London, the soil is London clay improved with homemade
compost and peat. Hydrangeas and roses grow will however as the hydrangeas
do not turn blue the soil is unlikely to be very acidic. The rhododendrons
that died just got weaker over time before turning brown and dying. However
Rhododendron Ponticum is doing really well. None of my neighbours grow