Something new(to me) about new potatoes
"shazzbat" wrote in
"Baz" wrote in message
A new neighbour gave me this.
If you dig your earlies and the parent potato is not rotten you can
plant them again.
I have done this and have good growth of foliage. Too early to look
at the roots but time will tell.
Any thoughts?
I don't know about the parent potato and whether or not it's rotten,
but I have had some success digging up the plant carefully, leaving
attached the potatoes too small to be of use, and replanting the plant
for later. Up to half as many again is my estimate.
Yes Steve.
I often do not explain enough.
What I mean is lift all the spuds from the root. including tiny ones, as
they will volunteer next year. Re-plant the parent where it was harvested
and it will start again without using fresh space intended for other
I hope this is clearer than my first ramblings.