Thread: my frog
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Old 29-05-2011, 09:22 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Posts: 437
Default my frog

rbel wrote in message ...
On Sat, 28 May 2011 15:42:39 +0200, bob wrote:

Are you sure it's a frog not a toad? iirc toads are more often
(and longlived)

not certain voici

He looks very warty for a frog. Frogs hop, toads sort of clamber along.


I've never actually seen it move, and I don't like to move it along.
You're right, it is fairly warty.

Given the colour and the black spots it looks very much like the
Edible frog, Rana esulenta. If you are interested in garden
amphibians you may want to have a look at this NE pdf:

I agree, it's a Rana esculenta. We don't have them in U.K. I don't think,
I've only ever seen them in France. It's the bright green colour and the
yellow stripe along the back that gives them away.

Here in S. Wilts in my small garden I have Belfast sinks everywhere and they
are inhabited by frogs, as are my two garden ponds.

I was really upset to find last year that my oldest and well-known frog had
somehow managed to clamber out of the pond and into my greenhouse and died
of dehydration. So I shall have to put a Belfast sink into the greenhouse
now, as well :-(.
