Thread: my frog
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Old 28-05-2011, 01:40 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Ian B[_3_] Ian B[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2010
Posts: 125
Default my frog

bob wrote:
I've had a frog in my garden for 3 years or so and I wonder if anyone
might have some insights?

It seems to be a bachelor, I've never seen 2 frogs. How does it cope
with the boredom?

Can they survive drought? I've been watering regularly round its
favourite spot but I'm going to have to leave the garden for a couple
of weeks and the forecast doesn't look wet. I was thinking of sinking
a plastic container with water into the soil underneath a heather
thereby reducing loss through evaporation. Or will he (she) just dig
herself down till it gets damp enough.

Are there any frog ponds nearby? I found one in my compost heap last year (a
frog, not a pond) and after some investigation I found he had gone
a-wandering from the pond of my neighbour four gardens down, which I hadn't
known existed (the pond, not the neighbour).
