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Old 24-05-2011, 01:51 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Charlie Pridham[_2_] Charlie Pridham[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 2,520
Default keeping cats away from birds' nest?

"Stephen" wrote in message

We have some sparrows nesting in our hedge and all the local cats are
trying to reach it. Is there a way to keep the cats away? I searched
on google and found a product called "silent roar" recommended. I
phoned the garden centre to enquire if they stocked it and the
gentleman said they stocked that and pepper powders but he said many
people bring them back, claiming they don't work and more or less said
that I shouldn't waste my money on them.

I silent roar any good in your experience? What about the pepper one?
Is it just cooking pepper? Do any of these work in your experience?

Does anyone know how long sparrows nest for?


Its probably too late for this year but if during the winter you can put
some chicken wire to screen off where the nest are the birds can get through
but the cats can't, we use this for the hedges to stop Magpies and Jays
getting at the smaller birds nests.

Sparrows just keep going all year, ours use the back of the barn in the ivy,
an area we have christened Benidorm!

I think if you try it now you will just cause more harm than good, make sure
your cat has got a bell on may give them a fighting chance. although reading
your post it appears that it is cats plural and they are not all yours

Charlie, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of National Collections of Clematis viticella
and Lapageria rosea cvs