White flies at it again
Eggs Zachtly wrote the following:
Guv Bob said:
"Stubby" wrote in message ...
On May 3, 3:29 am, "Guv Bob" wrote:
What's the best organic spray for these rascals. I know soap does a pretty good job -- what kind of soap works? Someone also mentioned soaking a cigar or other tobacco in water for a few days and then using that with the soap.
Diazinon used to work really well, but it is now outlawed. Try Eight, the replacement for Sevin. I believe Eight is specifically intended to be "kind to the environment". I don't know what you mean by "oganic". Anything with hydrogen and carbon is organic, but spraying gasoline on your plant won't help them.
Thanks Stubby. I don't know what the right word is. Have to stay away from manufactured pesticides. Since going with natural products, flavor & quality of the vegs and fruits are much better than when I used others. Size and yield is not are good but also don't have to worry about young'uns dipping their hands into the stuff.
Please fix your wordwrap. Good grief.
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