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Old 03-05-2011, 08:04 AM
Rachel 101 Rachel 101 is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Apr 2011
Location: South Oxfordshire
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Originally Posted by kay View Post

Yours looks exactly like "the other" weedy species of Epilobium....Problem is, it only grows to about 1 foot or 18inches high. The red colouring can be a function of cultivation - eg drier soil. The one I was looking at was growing out of an old brick wall and definitely had the red colouring.

So - forgive me for suggesting this - is it possible that you're wrong about the 3-4ft?

Incidentally Fitter et al describe E montanum as "short to medium" which is up to 2ft.
Hi Kay! Oh, please feel perfectly forgiven, all suggestions are welcome and it is easily possible that I have made a mistake - it's happened before. (Due note was made of both occasions.)

At the time (week before last) all the examples of this weed were bright red, and all were less than a foot high, obviously all the same year's crop. I was pretty sure that it's the same Weedius Unknownii that I have weeded out elsewhere, and that gets very big. The stems were stout and sturdy, lending credence to the idea that it would attain height of more than a foot or two.

So the "ultimate height" was entirely my contribution, and could have been wrong. But the general sturdiness of it does lead me to think that it's one of those "big" ones.

OK, not E. montanum then....

I love, love, love the idea that the redness could be a factor of location: it was indeed dry soil, and of course it's been very dry lately.

Originally Posted by kay View Post
I think you're going to have to let one plant of it flower - it's the only way you're going to get an id.
Unfortunately I don't have time, I have to identify it by the end of this week. But I am going to be kicking myself all round the garden later on this year, when I see it everywhere in full flower!

So, this is my last chance for any further helpful suggestions? (*big pleading puppy eyes*)
